Neuron Transistor Project Abstract This project involves designing electronics for in-vitro neural recording systems.
wassem shiek

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Axiology, Economy, Technology

Axiology, Economy, TechnologyWearable response to economic and axiological problems,
Many people would agree that the technological advances used to read the text on this screen and the way in which computers interact with one another are tools for achieving certain social ends; we sense that certain ends which are still distant, tacitly unspeakable, and for which a solution is still more or less ruled out (elimination of war, terrorism, illiteracy and endemic poverty...) will be sorted out thanks to these marvellous communication and data processing tools.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Url:

5:43 AM

Blogger Martínez said...

The page is already renoved.

Contains "Ktpl_truth", emulator of wearable devices.


11:04 AM


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